Tuesday, February 27, 2007

it is all good and it will always be

Today I am about to write about high expectations and why they are needed...
Why, you may think, would someone always have to raise the bar when he has something which maybe he can be pretty satisfied with?

It is not that easy guys...the bar is rising on its own...Your high expectations should not change ...because you are already there...you shouldn't go down...on the contrary...if you do not receive what you would like to...just learn to live with it and accept it... It is already an achievement if you had someone reached your bar and the most important - you remember that this happened...

The topic today is friendship and why it is so difficult to achieve? It is...and it has always been...

And people's ideas about friendship are different - in the end friendship is just a mere probe of egoism...egoism for your own self to know that in the end you have someone always there for you...a mere probe of egoism because egoistic people always think about themselves in the end...some earlier than expected, others later in time...all of us are egoists but some of us are egoists in the altruistic way i.e. deprive themselves from many things they would love to do at a certain moment just for the egoistic feeling that if they do not do them now, later in time they will be happier (personal happiness - another form of egoism)...a minor minor almost insignificant example...sometimes we feel like shouting at the world and the people in it and telling them that what they are doing is not the way it has to be...but by the end you think "who am I to judge people"...they know better for themselves and by trying and disappointing a few they better learn than if you shout it at them and then just disappear from their lives...It is not the way it has to be...because egoism rules...and the more I hope I am wrong, the more I see I am not...

So about friendship, it is difficult and almost unattainable, but the moment you reach it, you can really say you are happy or at least that at some point in time you felt so happy that you cannot describe. That's how the bar rises on its own and that's why those with high-leveled bars shouldn't mess up with them...

Let me not look desperate in your eyes, I had the perfect mutual friendship and I still have it, although it is a bit far away from me...I will always have it after all, so it doesn't really matter where it is situated at the moment, because it will always be there for me....

To all of you my "beloveds" (you know who you are). Just remember that you will always be there...UNREPLACEABLE...STATIC...ETERNAL

There is real mutual sacrificing friendship and I wish you all have it some day...and make sure you know how to keep it of course...because not many people are ready to give it up to you (many of them just hurry up and grab their own happiness (egoism) out of the beginning of your "friendship")

A beer for friendship and a cigarette for all of them who once felt it and would always have it...


1 comment:

anchett said...

should I write in english... oder besser auf deutsch :)

haresva mi 4astta za priqtelstvoto. napisano e umereno, to4no v tvoq stil. I vse pak e iskreno. I mi be6e hubavo da go pro4eta. Osobeno 3-te s golemi bukvi izpisani dumi ! to4no tova mi se e tatoiralo v syznanieto i vinagi kogato mislq za my beloveds, imena ne sa nujni, iznikvat tiq dumi ogromni i pulsira6ti :)

I'll take a drink for you too.. :) no smoking area here haehahae :)